Agendas and Minutes
Here are the agendas and approved minutes from our meetings. To view 2010 and 2011 archived Agenda and Minutes, follow this link. Special meeting are indicated by an asterisk (*).
Meeting Schedule Pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act, you are hereby notified that the Kinnikinnick CCSD No. 131 Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m. on the following dates at the Kinnikinnick School library, 5410 Pine Lane, Roscoe, Illinois, unless otherwise amended by the Board of Education.
Keli Freedlund
Meeting Schedule Pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act, you are hereby notified that the Kinnikinnick CCSD No. 131 Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m. on the following dates at the Kinnikinnick School library, 5410 Pine Lane, Roscoe, Illinois, unless otherwise amended by the Board of Education.
Keli Freedlund
January 2012
April 2012
July 2012
Minutes October 2012
Minutes |
February 2012
May 2012
August 2012
Minutes November 2012
Minutes |
March 2012
June 2012
Minutes September 2012
Minutes December 2012
Minutes *January 30th Special Meeting