District Assessments
Assessment drives learning. As educators we assess students for many reasons with the main one being to provide teachers and parents information regarding the students acquisition of learning objectives. We also use the assessments to provide instructional feedback, to determine if a student needs additional support, and to make effective programming and curricular decisions that are data-driven. Assessments are at the heart of learning when the data is used to improve learning and teaching outcomes.
In addition to classroom formative and summative assessments, the following tests are also administered by the District:
In addition to classroom formative and summative assessments, the following tests are also administered by the District:
W-APT Screener
W-APT stands for the WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test. It is an English language proficiency "screener" test given to incoming students who may be designated as English language learners. If a student's parent answered "yes" to one or both of the Home Language Survey questions, "Is a language other than English spoken in the home?' and "Does the student speak a language other than English?", the screener will be administered.
ACCESS for ELLs Test
January – February
ACCESS for ELLs stands for Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners. The ACCESS for ELLs test assesses students’ English language proficiency in five areas: Social and Instructional Language (SIL), which incorporates proficiencies needed to deal with the general language of the classroom and the school; the language of English Language Arts (LoLA); the language of Mathematics (LoMA); the language of Science (LoSC); and the language of Social Studies (LoSS). The test is used to assist educators with program placement decisions.
Students who have been screened on the WAPT in the fall and may potentially be Limited English Proficiency (LEP) will take the ACCESS test to see if additional support should be provided to them.
Students who have been screened on the WAPT in the fall and may potentially be Limited English Proficiency (LEP) will take the ACCESS test to see if additional support should be provided to them.
Fall , Winter, Spring
AIMSweb is an assessment for universal screening (all students), progress monitoring (students receiving interventions), and data management for students in grades K-8. AIMSweb provides guidance to administrators and teachers to identify students who are in need of additional academic support in reading and/or math.
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
The IAR tests are high quality, computer-based 3rd-8th grade assessments in Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy. They are carefully crafted to give teachers, schools, students, and parents better and more useful information on how we’re preparing our kids for their futures. (For a more detailed description, please visit the New Meridian (IAR) website.
If you'd like to take a IAR practice test, click on the following link and then click on Practice Tests (English Language Arts/Literacy or Mathematics)
If you'd like to take a IAR practice test, click on the following link and then click on Practice Tests (English Language Arts/Literacy or Mathematics)
Illinois Science Assessment (ISA)
March 3-April 30
In compliance with federal testing requirements, Illinois will administer a science assessment to students enrolled in a public school district in grades 5, 8 and 11. The assessment will be administered in an online format and is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards for Science incorporating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
March 3-April 30
In compliance with federal testing requirements, Illinois will administer a science assessment to students enrolled in a public school district in grades 5, 8 and 11. The assessment will be administered in an online format and is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards for Science incorporating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
February- March
The new DLM alternate assessment system will let students with significant cognitive disabilities show what they know in ways that traditional multiple-choice tests cannot. It is the yardstick the state uses to measure the learning of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Students take the DLM-AA if participation in the state's regular assessments — the PARCC --is not appropriate, even with accommodations.
The Kinnikinnick District administers the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability (NNAT) Test to all students in the spring of third grade. Students who were not enrolled in the District in third grade are administered the age appropriate version of the test in their current grade. The District uses the score as one measure to determine placement in the honors classes.
The NNAT is a short multiple choice test that requires no reading. It is used to determinine students' nonverbal reasoning and problem-solving ability. As the test name suggests all questions are presented non-verbally - pictures and figures are used rather than words. Tests include up to four different types of questions - pattern completion, reasoning by analogy, serial reasoning and spatial visualization.
The Naglieri is only one measure of intelligence and does not equate to an IQ test because it does not have a verbal component. (excerpted from testing publishers' websites)
The NNAT is a short multiple choice test that requires no reading. It is used to determinine students' nonverbal reasoning and problem-solving ability. As the test name suggests all questions are presented non-verbally - pictures and figures are used rather than words. Tests include up to four different types of questions - pattern completion, reasoning by analogy, serial reasoning and spatial visualization.
The Naglieri is only one measure of intelligence and does not equate to an IQ test because it does not have a verbal component. (excerpted from testing publishers' websites)
Fall , Winter, Spring
i‑Ready is a comprehensive assessment and instruction program that empowers educators with the resources they need to help all students succeed. By connecting Diagnostic data and Personalized Instruction, i‑Ready reduces complexity, saves educators time, and makes differentiated instruction achievable in every classroom. (excerpted from testing publishers' websites)
The physical fitness assessments to be conducted are those which provide a better reflection of one’s health and well-being (i.e. cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance) rather than those assessments that are sports performance/skill-based movements.
The four required areas of fitness assessment are as follows:
(Illinois State Board of Education)
The four required areas of fitness assessment are as follows:
- For Aerobic Capacity, grades 4-12 will take the PACER test (recommended) or Mile Run Test (alternate) or Brockport test (adapted);
- For Flexibility, grades 3-12 will take the Back-Saver Sit and Reach test (recommended) or Trunk Lift test (alternate) or Brockport test (adapted);
- For Muscular Endurance, grades 3-12 will take the Curl-Up test or Brockport test (adapted); and
- For Muscular Strength, grades 3-12 will take the Push-Up test or Brockport test (adapted).
(Illinois State Board of Education)
Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS)
Legislation requires each school district to report information to ISBE concerning the administration of assessments to students at each school. The law also requires schools to make this information public via the school district's website or distribution in paper form.
Assessment Survey Results Tracker
Please note that the law defines tests "scored by a non-district entity" as the focus of this data collection effort. We refer to these as "standardized".The Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) is an observational tool designed to help teachers, administrators, families, and policymakers better understand the developmental readiness of children entering kindergarten. (Illinois State Board of Education)